Tuesday, June 25, 2013

It's June 25th... Do you know where your Christmas presents are?

Today is June 25th. It's been exactly six months since Christmas -- and it'll be another six before it returns. Do you remember what you got for Christmas? Have you used it? Are you still using it, or is it already gathering dust in a room somewhere? Of my two most memorable gifts of last Christmas, one is already broken, but the other is used daily, and a constant reminder of my family who loves me.

But what about the other gift? The gift that is the reason we celebrate Christmas at all? The birth of a small child -- the very person of God become human flesh -- whose teachings, character, love, and sacrifice would change the world? What have you done with that gift this year?

Is it gathering dust on the shelf of your mind -- given occasional lip service, but mostly forgotten?

Is it a suit you put on for church on Sunday and then maybe vaguely reference the rest of the week?

Do you use this gift daily, whispering prayers to Heaven, but only in private, letting nobody see it?

Or have you taken this gift of Salvation, of faith, hope, and love, and used it to bless others? Have you allowed this gift to become more than the storefront commodity our culture has made it; to instead change who you are, and let it define you until you have no choice to but to share it with the world? Have you taken this Gift, and presented it, unwrapped, as a gift to others?

It's been six months since we celebrated the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God and Savior of humanity. Like all gifts, it won't do you any good unless you do something with it. So, what have you done? What will you do? This is one gift that can change your life and the lives of those around you... and all you have to do is let Jesus do what Jesus does. Allow Him access. And then, allow Him control.

Do that, and you will find each day is like opening the gift anew.

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