if I'm running behind, and it looks like I may arrive after my intended time, watch out! I get stressed. I get mad. I start rushing myself and others, and basically making life unpleasant until we finally get where we're going.
See, before I had kids, this really wasn't a problem. My wife and I both happen to be naturally punctual people, and both of us enjoy getting where we're going on time, or even early. So we always were. That simple. Now it's been nearly nine years since my first born came into this world, and we still can't figure out how to get everyone out of the house in time to get where we're going without stress, fights, and headaches.
Slowly, though -- oh, so slowly -- I'm learning instead something far more valuable. I'm learning that, in all that rushing around, in all that "hurry up hurry up hurry up," I'm denying myself the pure joy of simply experiencing my family. And, perhaps worse, I'm replacing their future memory of their Dear Old Dad with this worn, stressed, always rushing madman where once a laid-back, fun-loving guy used to be.
There are things worth being late for.
Just like I've missed out on chances to really enjoy time with my children here and there, I'm also guilty, I'm afraid, of missing out on time with God. How often is my time with Him cut short -- or even cut out -- because of somewhere I have to be, or something I have to do?
But I'm reminded, even Jesus made time with the Father a priority.
“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” (Mark 1:35)
This wasn't a one-time thing with Him. He made time for the Father. Didn't worry about being late to this or that, or not having time to do anything else. He knew that, once that first priority -- time with God -- was attended to, the rest would fall into place.
That's the great thing about priorities, when you think about it. When we put First Things first, the rest works itself out. And even better, when that first priority is God, we allow Him access to the rest of our day, to fill with blessings we may otherwise have missed.
So go ahead: be late for something. Take a little extra time to kiss your spouse and kids. Take some extra time to spend with the Father. The rest of your day will be far better for it.
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