Then fear (awe) came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles.
(Acts 2:43)

world, we don't see many apostles doing signs and wonders -- but I wonder whether, in today's world, such things would have the same impact. We feel as though we've seen it all. Even when we witness a healing or a prophecy, we're often so jaded and skeptical that we simply don't believe it.
Yet, isn't the Spirit who dwells in each of us the same Spirit who was with Peter and the other apostles as they built the early church? So, did God change, or did we?
Today, I want to talk about awe. When we talk about the beginning of that first church, we often skip right over this verse, Acts 2:43, as though we just aren't quite sure what to do with it. Almost as though we feel like it simply doesn't apply to us anymore.
How sad.
I'm going to make a suggestion which may be uncomfortable. The Church -- the Body of Christ -- was built on awe. It was founded on amazement. From the people being amazed by the teachings and miracles of Christ (See each of the four gospels) to the amazement and awe following the words and deeds of the Apostles, it was wonder that helped build the church.
It is this wonder that's still evident in the letters of Paul when he reflects upon his own salvation:
And the grace of our Lord was exceedingly abundant, with faith and love which are in Christ Jesus. This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief. (1 Timothy 1:14-15).Maybe we so often lose our wonder and awe in the Church because we don't start looking for it in the right place. Perhaps we've forgotten who we were, and where we were going. Perhaps we've made the mistake of believing we are somehow worthy of Grace and Mercy.
All I know is, when I reflect on who I could have been -- on the person it would be all to easy for me to become -- I can only be awestruck to see the change Christ has made in me. By myself, I am an arrogant, selfish man. I am a man given to casual sins. But in Christ, I am His, and my desire is now that people see Him in me.
And that thought awes me. Knowing I am unworthy of His grace, and knowing He showers me with it anyway. Knowing the God of the Universe, the Creator of all things, loves me, personally, and offers His mercy in spite of myself, fills me with wonder and gratitude.
It may not be a tongue of fire, but it's pretty amazing.
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