Thursday, February 14, 2013

What's This Love Stuff All About, Anyway?

Today is Valentine's Day, and it seems like the obvious thing to do would be to take a look at what God says about love. So, never one to ignore the obvious, I'm going to do just that. But before looking at 1 Corinthians 13 -- the famous "love chapter" of the Bible, I want to look at what kind of love is being described here. This chapter, particularly verses 4-8, are often used at weddings -- as they ought to be. But the love described isn't merely a romantic love. Rather, it is love in its purest form: the love God has for His children, and the love we must have for one another. It's easy to be patient and kind when it comes to your spouse (though, admit it, some days are easier than others). But this ideal love extends to everybody when we do as Christ commanded and love our neighbors as ourselves.

So what is love? Paul begins his description in verse 4.

"Love is patient." Patience is a quality of "quietly and steadily persevering," says the dictionary. Endurance of hardship, provocation, or annoyance. Diligence. 

"Love is kind." That is, generous and good. Affectionate, altruistic, and sympathetic. 

"It does not envy." Indeed love is the quality which allows us to sacrifice for the good of others; to rejoice in their successes and good fortunes, and to wish for them only the best -- even when it means we go without. 

"It does not boast, it is not proud." It doesn't delight in the suffering of others. This is the flip side of not being envious. Love means, when we are blessed, it is our desire to share that blessing, rather than brag about it.

"It does not dishonor others." Love means we won't elevate ourselves at the expense of others, whether in words, or in deeds. "It," in other words, "is not self-seeking." 

"It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs." Because love forgives.

"Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth." A saying I've heard here and there says, a good friend won't let you get into trouble; a great friend won't let you get into trouble alone. In fact, love requires a steady hand to hold our friend back from folly. And that we are honest.

"It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails." 

Finally, when you look at this wonderful, glorious description of love, remember, too, that God is Love (1 John 4:8).

Thank God for love.

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