This is one of those profound statements which, obviously, applies to somebody -- maybe everybody -- else. Not me, of course. Certainly not you. Right?
Today is Tax Freedom Day. According to annually figured estimates, this is the last day you need to work each year in order to cover your local, State, and Federal taxes. After today, the money you earn is yours.
Which means, if you're a taxpayer, you have worked four months this year -- just to pay the government. In essence, you've been working for free. Consider how this idea makes you feel... and then ask yourself again: does money control my life?
Obviously, money is necessary. If we are to keep a roof over our heads, or to put food in our children's mouths; if we are to give generously to those in need, it is necessary to have a means to do so. But ultimately, money is a tool. If you find too much of your life is about making more of it, maybe it's time to ask why.
Jesus reminds us, in Luke 16:13
No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.
So what does that mean? Do we stop going to work? Do we switch to a part-time job so we can spend more time with our families, or doing God's work? I suggest that what you are doing now is God's work, if you allow it to be. We have to work in order to survive -- and there's nothing wrong with that. But while you're working, are you also acting as a Light, showing Christ's love to those around you? Are you generous with what you earn, sharing the resources you work for with those in need?
Money is part of life... the issue of control, though, is in our attitudes.
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