Friday, May 17, 2013

Pack Rats and Soul Junk

I'm a pack-rat. Now, I don't collect everything, but there are some things I simply can't let go. Cords and cables, for one. I have a bag at home that weighs roughly 60lbs -- full of electrical cords, audio/video cables, phone cords, and even speaker wire. Because you never know.

For many people, it starts out this way, but eventually, preparedness becomes compulsion. Before long, you wake up to find yourself with mountains of magazines, stacks of nick-knacks, and a TV show on TLC.

It's very human to hold onto things we no longer need. We develop a sort of attachment, and for various reasons. Maybe we've been burned before; maybe we're afraid of ever being without it. Maybe it's just so comfortable living with it that it almost seems a part of us.

For me, that includes wires and cables. And nice pens and paper. And also mistrust, disappointment, and, occasionally, anger. And sin. So, so human. If TLC made a "Hoarders"-like show for Christians who can't let go of their vices, I think a lot of us would be on it. After all, our hearts are our safe places. Our homes, where we keep those things close which make us feel secure.

But here's the great thing about Jesus: when we invite Him in, He doesn't expect us to clean that junk up. He expects to help us do it. Like those helpful reality shows (you know, the shows you secretly keep hoping will show up at your door), He wants to identify the clutter, the junk we no longer need in our lives -- even though we seem to think we do -- and help us to get rid of it.

That grudge? Gone. Lust and intemperance? Don't need it. And what's with -- well, let's just toss that, too. Jesus isn't about hiding our hoarded junk; He's about eliminating it. Clearing it out. And when we start to bring it back in? He's right there to help you take it out again.

Because the truth is, we don't need it. And, here's the real secret: we never have.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. (Romans 12:2)

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