Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The World Is My Sea Monkey

As a boy in central Michigan, I spent a good portion of my elementary school days as a Cub Scout. And as a Cub Scout, I had a subscription to Boy's Life Magazine (anyone else remember Boy's Life?). One of the things I always looked forward to in getting my subscription was digging to the back pages for the classifieds. Ads for every wondrous thing awaited: books on becoming the next Charles Atlas (even though, by then, there wasn't an 11-year-old alive who actually knew who he was), X-Ray specs, and Sea-Monkeys!

Sea-Monkeys were many a child's first lesson in disappointment. In the ad, they were like tiny mer-people. They grew big, were a lot of fun, and could even be trained! Why, they were "instant pets!" In reality, of course, they were brine shrimp, and with the aid of the accompanying "Growth Food," could grow to a gigantic 0.5 inches. Eventually.

Temptation is a lot like that. We build up this idea of what Sin is like (assuming we even call it sin). We assume the Christian life will be this dull, empty, rules-filled life that will just suck the joy out of whatever time we have on earth. Ultimately, however, though it may indeed be enjoyable for a time, sin will disappoint. It will leave you unfulfilled. And worst of all, it will lead to death (Romans 6:23)!

Jesus Christ, however, is exactly what He claims to be. In John 14:6, He tells us, "I am the Way, the Truth, and The Life." He is our way, not only to Heaven -- not only to audience with the Father -- but to a fulfilled life.

John 10:10 - The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

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