Thursday, January 24, 2013

Be Excellent To Each Other

When people think about you, what do they say? Are you an uplifting person? A positive, happy person that makes others feel good to be around you? Are you somebody who lifts others up in the eyes of your peers? Can you be counted on to have a good word for the people you work with.

Today we're celebrating "Compliment Day," a day to, well, compliment others. And not in that sort of fake way we can sometimes do, when we feel like we should say something nice, but don't really mean it. But to really try to see somebody as Jesus sees them: a person of beauty and quality who just needs grace.

Proverbs 12:25 says, "Anxiety weighs down the heart, but a kind word cheers it up."

Indeed, kindness is one of the fruits of the spirit listed in Galatians 5:22

When you take on the name "Christian," when you identify yourself as a follower of Christ, your actions are a reflection to the world of who Christ is. So who do the people around you see? Do they see the office sourpus?

Or do they see somebody who always has a kind word? A positive, upbeat individual who reflects the Joy of the Lord? A person who lets them know that, when the world is pressing down with all its negativity and worry and stress, they are loved?

Take the time out today, and see somebody the way God sees them. See a child of God, or a sheep He desperately wants to bring back to Himself. And let them know: God loves them.

Hey, you. Yeah -- you! You're a pretty doggone awesome person. Thought you should know.

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