Monday, October 15, 2012

A Moment of Conviction

Sunday morning, in the van on the way home from church, one of my daughters asked about my Bible. I was proud to show off the Bible my parents got me, back in high school, nicely bound in its CBD-bought cover. My son piped up from the back of the van, "you have a Bible?"

"Of course I do," I said. "It's right here."

"Oh," he answered. "I've never seen you read it."

Proverbs 22:6 tells us, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it."

I've known that verse since I was a child, yet my seven-year-old son has never seen me reading my Bible. We've looked at Scripture together, but he's never caught me spending alone time with my Savior.  

We go to church as a family, but we never study together in the word of God. 
God, help me to be the Father and Disciple I need to be, so my children can be the adults You want them to be.  May that small encounter be a catalyst for change in my family, and a deeper relationship with You. 


  1. Powerful, Randy! and powerfully convicting. Once again I thank you for sharing from your heart boldly and truthfully -- even when it hurts. Your devotionals are a blessing to me -- because they are "real."
