Monday, October 8, 2012

Just Because I Forgive You Doesn't Mean I Like You Very Much

Weird thing about Christianity: when it comes down to it, nearly every aspect of the Faith has forgiveness as a starting point. For the past several weeks,  no matter what the topic of conversation, be it in church or small groups, or even at work, the talk always circled back, somehow, to the issue of forgiveness.

I may not be the sharpest crayon in the box, but at some point, it occurred to me that God might just be trying to send me a message.

by Mike Walters, borrowed from Strictly Gospel
See, I'm not generally one to hold a grudge -- so long as I'm the only one who's been hurt. When my family has been wounded, however, that's a different story entirely. The anger turns into this little ball that settles down into the pit of my stomach and I tell myself I don't need to forgive this person or that,  because they haven't asked me personally. Never mind that, number one, I wasn't the person they hurt and so, two, they have no idea they need to ask my forgiveness. If I can justify my grudge,  why on earth would I reach out -- regardless of whether the person who was actually hurt has forgiven.

At some point, though, this argument breaks down, even for me. So, grudgingly,  I "forgive" them. At least, I tell God I did, and just for good measure, I tell myself, too. But,  I am always sure to remind myself, that doesn't mean I have to give them access to my life. That doesn't mean I have to actually like them. Right?


If I decide I don't "like" somebody, based entirely upon an act I've supposedly forgiven,  is that really forgiveness?

What if Jesus were to say, "You know, I forgive you of your trespasses against Me, but I'm really not interested in having you in My House?" Could we consider ourselves forgiven,  when the end result is the same as condemnation?

There's a part of the Lord's Prayer that honestly scares me a little. "Forgive us our debts," Jesus asks, "as we forgive our debtors (Matthew 6:12)."

What if God actually did forgive us as -- the same way -- we forgave others?

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